A collection of information and resources related to what we do as hobbyist beekeepers



Beekeepers tend to be thrifty, maybe a generalisation but I have found this to be proven true many times over. These are projects that members of our association have done that you may find interesting or give you some ideas of your own.

Making a hive stand
Making an open mesh floor
Making a 14x12 brood box
Making a super
Making a dummy board
Making a crown/feeder board
Making a roof
Making an oxalic sublimator



At the end of the season you will hopefully have a good harvest of honey and possibly other hive products. All recipes listed here have been written, tested and submitted by our members.

Baking with honey
Roasting with honey
Honey drinks



Since the start of producing a regular newsletter for our members, many useful articles have been written that members and others refer back to regularly. To try to make it easier to find this information, the newsletters can be accessed here with a list of the articles published.

Issue 1_March16
Issue 2_May16
Issue 3_July16
Issue 4_September16
Issue 5_November16
Issue 6_February17
Issue 7_April17
Issue 8_October17
Issue 9_December17
Issue 10_March18
Issue 11_June18
Issue 12_September 18
Issue 13_January 19

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